Selected Example Apps

A few selected interactive projects that showcase some interesting data solutions.

Octo Hatteras® MLOps Platform

I was the founding architect of Octo's MLOps platform. Hatteras addresses MLOps challenges with automated model pipelines, CI/CD and services to detect model drift.

RAG Chatbot: Langchain, Wikipedia and OpenAI

This chatbot (RAG) uses the Python Wikipedia module, Langchain, and OpenAI to create a question answering chatbot based on current data.

Kmeans Cluster Analysis (Unsupervised learning)

Why are papers about rare diseases hard to find in medical databases? Cluster analysis of the terms used in articles' title on the rare disease Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA) suggests an interesting conclusion.

Terror Attacks 1970-2018 Interactive Network Graph

Graph visualizations and graph databases are some of my favorite tools. Network graphs can show commonality between different entities. Here, we see countries that share a common attack by the same group.

XAI: exploring RAG embeddings

XAI is for GPT too. This short clip shows how ChatGPT used our embeddings from RAG Chatbot: Langchain, Wikipedia and OpenAI application, to answer the question: "Who attacked Israel in 2023?"

Companies I have worked with
